myheart Members Stories
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I thought I would be in and out in 10 mins after having an ECG but… by Laura Harris
My initial ECG picked up some abnormalities so I was asked to wait and was then given an echocardiogram. I was seen by the consultant and told that my echocardiogram

The second chance at life has made me appreciate how delicate life really is…by Emma Green
Whilst in hospital, I was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome, a rare genetic heart condition that I had never heard of. Very few people are affected by my type of

Coming across CRY has been the best thing after such an overwhelming period! by Kaitlin Lawrence
My name is Kaitlin Lawrence – I was an elite netball athlete, playing in the Scotland international senior squad for the past 3 seasons, training with the Scottish Commonwealth Games

Everyone should have a choice to get screened! by Harry Trowbridge
In April 2019, at just 15 years old and in my GCSE year, my life took an unexpected turn. I started experiencing a series of unexplained symptoms that left both

Amazing things are possible! by Thomas Morris
Our world fell apart 3 years ago when three of us Morris gang (Thomas, Xander and Jude) were diagnosed with a genetic critical heart condition called LQTS.
Having never

You never think this is going to happen to someone young…by Megan Turner
Dec 2021 was a scary time for me and my family. I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy on the 11th and on the 17th, I had a sudden

‘Heart issues don’t mean your life is over’ by Lewis Nicholson
This is my story and my journey as a person who had a catastrophic birth defect of my heart and by chance and a MRI technician having a good eye, I

My WPW story by Kathleen Dymond
My journey starts in my early teens when I became aware of my heart pounding in my chest, my heart racing, my throat constricting like hands that had wrapped themselves

I have a heart condition but it’s not the end of the world!-by Gem O’Reilly
Since being diagnosed with my heart condition at 16 years old, I’ve been trying to understand my body, to understand my limitations and capabilities. That has stemmed into my life

Life with LQTS and LVNC by Abi Edwards
October 2018, aged 14 and asymptomatic- I was taken to a CRY screening as a precautionary check by my mum at St. George’s Hospital. Little did I know that that

Every Cloud by Thomas Flanighan
After serving nine years in the military as a Royal Marines Commando, I needed a new challenge and started striving towards a career as a Commercial Pilot. The flying medical

It’s Scarier Not to Die by Jamie Poole
For the first time in 12 years, I experienced my first incident of an inappropriate shock. Not just one, but five, one after the other. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

We thought something was wrong with ECG leads or monitor but… Blog by Jess-Lee Welch
I was in my final year of uni studying Sport and Exercise Science and we were in the lab doing ECGs on one another. When my lecturer (Dr David Oxborough)

My story of being diagnosed with LQT in the midst of a pandemic by Ruth Williams
In April of this year, I was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). In the midst of a pandemic, this was the most unwelcome conclusion to my ongoing investigations! In

A Reflection on My Experience Living with a Heart Condition by Daniel Redfearn
I had no idea at the end of the summer holidays in 2011 that the following months would be a defining period of my life. I was thirteen years old

My story so far – Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy
Hello. My name is Phoebe and I’m 22 years old. When I was three years old, I was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital to have open heart surgery to

Comparing 2008 to now
Being in lockdown, being in isolation it’s made me re-experience a life I had before and compare the feelings I have now, to that I had back then. We all

Brugada and Self-Isolation
Monday 16th March I celebrated my 12th re-birthday, re-birthday is a term that all cardiac arrest survivors use to celebrate surviving a cardiac arrest. I didn’t really celebrate it this

My heart stopped with no warning at all! by Jade Hobman
Last year, on the 28th of August, it was a normal day for me and I was skating down the road like I do everyday as I skateboard everywhere. Around

My heart condition’s 25th anniversary by Kerry Shephard
Today (03/02/2020) marks 25 years since my heart went crazy and hit 268 beats per minute while I was brushing my hair and getting ready for college. 25 years since

My allergic reaction saved my life..
I have always fainted for as long as I can remember, through assembly at school or if I stood up for long periods of time. My parents kept taking me

I never really thought much about having a heart condition until I had my son! by Jodie Pearson
My Long QT story – by Jodie Pearson, age 36 I was diagnosed with Long QT1 in 2010 when I was 27 years old. A close relative had been having

If only Hollie was screened at an early age!
I would like to share our story to help raise awareness of fatal Genetic Heart Conditions. In March 2016, our daughter – Hollie Cannon, then aged 15 years, collapsed suddenly

CRY’s myheart representative Rebekah Goddard’s story
It’s been 18 years since I was diagnosed with long QT syndrome and had my very first permanent pacemaker implanted; and 25 years since my father found me unresponsive on

The Story of my Heart Disease – by George Ashby
George Ashby has made an inspiring video about his experience after being diagnosed with a heart condition. George’s mother, Amelia Ashby found that George has a heart murmer after

My journey with ALCAPA – My Story by Serena Freeman
My journey with congenital heart disease began on 19th March 2018 when I was 18 years old. I was at work and had just gone on my lunch break when

My Heart Story By Rich Morris
Hi Everyone, It has taken me a long time to find somewhere to share stories, thoughts and experiences with others in a similar position. And it feels good! I have

Brugada and me by Laurie Ketley
The 9th December 2016 isn’t a key date for me. On that day, I was with my Mum, Dad and younger Sister, who were finishing up from undergoing their Flecanide

I thought I had a flu but then I suffered a cardiac arrest! by Jake Fordham
On Tuesday the 21st of February I was sent home from work a little early as I was feeling unwell. My colleague had only recently returned to work after having

I was diagnosed with LQT after 20 Rebecca Scheffe
My name is Becky and I was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome in 2010 when I was 37 years old. At the age of 17, I had a terrible experience

My journey with ARVC by Gavin Boyce
My journey with ARVC started on January 16th 2012 when I woke up in hospital to see a nurse looking back at me trying to offer me some reassuring words.

Living with a Fontan Circulation – Tricuspid Atresia by Jara Weinkauf
Even though there was no history of heart disease in my family and my parents led a very healthy lifestyle, I was born with tricuspid atresia in 1986 in Berlin/Germany.

Afternoon Tea by Sinead Watts
In 2014 my brother suffered a cardiac arrest. He was 21 at the time. Luckily he was in the car with my dad who rushed him to the hospital and

Super Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT) by Samantha McLaren
I have been suffering from SVT attacks since March 2010 when I suddenly collapsed at work. I was taken to A&E for tests, my heart rate was very high reaching

Paul Cowling-DCM
Before I share my experiences and try to give some idea of how I try to cope with what has happened, one thing should be made very clear: having a

Zenia Selby- earlier diagnosed with WPW
I was out on a 5k run when suddenly my heart started beating several times faster than it should have been. I stopped, sat down, breathed deeply, but nothing would

Paula Beck
Paula Beck (Simmonds) wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I was diagnosed with Brugada syndrome on 8th August 2011 at

Alessandro Miccoli
Alessandro Miccoli wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. It wasn’t until the end of 2012 that a journalist first introduced

Emma Jackson
Emma Jackson wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I never liked sports when I was younger and was never any

Sian Donnelly
Sian Donnelly wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. Whilst on a family holiday in 2004, my brother Adam died suddenly

Chris Currie
Chris Currie wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I was 24 and having the time of my life travelling around

Lucy Challis
Lucy Challis wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. On Sunday 29th January 2006, my older brother Stuart, age 25, collapsed

Mallory Brand
Mallory Brand wrote her story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I discovered I had Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome by chance. I manage events

James Bailey
James Bailey wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I was pumped up for the game. The adrenaline was rushing through
Living with Brugada syndrome – Paula Beck
Living with Brugada syndrome Watch myheart member Paula Beck speak with Professor Sharma about having Brugada syndrome below.
Tom James MBE
Living with atrial fibrillation Watch CRY Patron Tom James MBE talk with Professor Sharma about his experience of finding out and living with atrial fibrillation below. Tom James MBE is
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition – Chris Currie
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition Watch myheart member Chris Currie go through test and speak with Professor Sharma about having an ICD and undiagnosed
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition – Rachael Marchant
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition At the age of 22 I noticed my heart seemed to ‘jump’ around and beat in an unusual way.
Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome – Chris Smith
Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome I underwent a catheter ablation procedure in November 2009 after being diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome in May 2009 following a CRY screening at Myerscough College
Living with Brugada syndrome – Sarah Bond
Living with Brugada syndrome I’m Sarah. In January 2012 I was diagnosed with a heart condition known as Brugada syndrome, something that I have had since birth yet was completely
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Danielle Cummings
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as a baby. My dad and the majority of his family suffered from the disease. It was my parents’ decision
Emmerson Hird
On Wednesday 6th June 2012 my 17 year old nephew Emmerson Hird survived a cardiac arrest. Emmerson had been playing upstairs on his X-box with his girlfriend Micha. As he
Living with long QT syndrome – Jessica Goddard
Living with long QT syndrome Jessica Jane Goddard was born on the 27th July 2007. She was 3 years old when in May 2010 we received a phone call that
Living with long QT syndrome – Rebekah Goddard
Living with long QT syndrome Even at the age of nine the signs were there, but no one realised what they meant. I recall going home from school near to
Living with my condition supraventricular tachycardia, struggling with my head – Gary McElkerney
Living with my condition supraventricular tachycardia, struggling with my head Limerick Vikings American Football Team were always going to be a tough team to play and making the 5 hour
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Dan Reeves
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy December 3rd 2010 started out as any other normal day (although, when I look back now it’s as if the day was already planned out). School
Living with right ventricle outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) – Abi
Living with right ventricle outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) My condition came to light at the end of 2008 when I was 34. I’d been to the doctors to discuss
Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome – Louise Bees
Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Hi, I got diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) after nearly dying giving birth to my son. I had suffered with palpitations for years, but nothing was

Antony Eames
Tony Eames wrote his story to be included in the myheart booklet which was launched in November, 2013. I had my first episode of fainting at 4 years old. From
Living with Brugada – Bradley Farrow
Living with Brugada I did not realise that anything was wrong with me. Occasionally I would notice that my heart seemed to be going fast like it does when you’ve
Living with endocardial fibroelastosis – Catherine McGough
Living with endocardial fibroelastosis My name is Catherine and I thought I would tell my story so that maybe it will give others a bit of hope. I am now
Louise Dee
Living with long QT syndrome Hi, my name is Louise. It all started in 1990 when I was 8 yrs old. I woke up hearing an alarm clock and realised
Living with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) – Rob Jackson
Living with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) I am a 31 year old Sergeant in the Army Air Corps and until recently was a Lynx Helicopter pilot and aircraft commander
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Jack Wright
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Jack, our six year old son – usually referred to as Jack Wright – left for school as usual on the morning of Tuesday 20th June
Living with supraventricular tachycardia – George Ranger
Living with supraventricular tachycardia I am writing to thank you so much for your kind help and support that you gave to me at the end of last year when
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition – Barry Hooton
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition This story comes from two people – me, Anna (aged 17), a.k.a. “the girlfriend” and Barry (aged 23), a.k.a.

My Myocarditis by Alex Archer-Todde
Myocarditis At the end of March and the beginning of April 2007 I almost died. A lot of people were asking me about this at the time of writing, so
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome – Ian Tunnell
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome I would like to recount the circumstances surrounding my son’s experience of Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW) in the hope that other young people,
Andy Perry
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy My name is Andy. I’m now 38 and at the tender age of 7 after dental treatment, I was ill and taken to the local hospital.
Debra Whiting
Living with right ventricle outflow tract tachycardia (RVOT-T) I was always really sporty when I was younger. I used to be in the netball team at school and represented my
Francesca Maretic
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome My name is Fran and I’m an average girl except for the fact that at the moment I have Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW).
Tracey Duncan
Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) 2002 was the best season of my career in terms of development; I represented England at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester,
Jenny Justice
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome I had Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) when I was a child. I remember waking up because my heart would start beating very rapidly and for

Joseph Tanner
Living with Brugada syndrome (type 3) Sunday 16th March 2008, I had a cardiac arrest and died for 7 minutes. I collapsed at the finishing line of the Hastings half
Paul Cooper
Living with atrial fibrillation My story began 19 years ago – I am 39 now. I was out with some mates one night, when I felt a funny ‘butterfly’ feeling
David Hillson
Living with suspected arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) In February 2008 I was out running with a friend. It was bitterly cold and I had not run over the Christmas
Lucy Patey
Living With long QT syndrome I have always been a fit and active person, participating in many sporting activities – two of which were hockey and horse riding, family passions
Brother Kevin Leahy
Sudden cardiac arrest resulting from amyloidosis I am a Catholic seminarian studying to be a Roman Catholic Priest. At the moment of the cardiac arrest, I was studying in Rome
Ellie Brogan
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome My name is Ellie Brogan, I am 15 years old and suffer from Wolff Parkinson White syndrome (WPW). I really want to raise money
Lyndsay Morton
Living with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome When I was 19 I was woken by a paramedic at 3am one morning. The paramedic had been called by my partner because I had stopped
Claire Herridge
Living with left ventricular wall abnormality A year and a half ago, when I was 34, I was out running when I experienced heart palpitations, chest pain and shortness of
Steve Jackson
Having a myxoma diagnosed A married father with two young children, recently promoted to Detective Inspector in The City of London Police and having been appointed onto the City Security
Scott Fleming
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome I was 27 when I collapsed whilst playing Sunday league football. Little did I know I had been living my life with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Living with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome Hi, my name is Stacy and I am 19 years old. I was a very healthy child and was always very active and played
Jonny Goode
Living with long QT syndrome I love Sport! Any kind of sport and ever since I remember I have spent most of my spare time either hitting a ball, pedalling
Living with long QT syndrome – Hayley Brown
Living with long QT syndrome I was 19 years old and had just failed my second driving test when my first and only attack happened. I ran through the garden
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – Fraser Thomas
Living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy I am one of the few lucky parents as my son, Fraser, survived a full cardiac arrest while playing football last year. He had no previous
Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) – Julia Hubbard
Living with right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (RVOT-VT) I have represented Great Britain in Bobsleigh since 2006 and In October 2007 I crashed in a race and sustained fractured
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition – Russell Goodman
Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and an undiagnosed condition A healthy way to start the weekend, get up Saturday morning and go for a run. This was something