Drugs to avoid
In several heart conditions, particularly long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome, certain medicines or drugs can cause problems and trigger dangerous heart rhythms. These should therefore be avoided. Unfortunately, there is a rather long list of these! However a comprehensive list is available on-line, which is regularly updated:
For long QT syndrome: http://www.sads.org.uk/drugs-to-avoid
Members with long QT syndrome may like to consider registering with CredibleMeds to be kept up to date with any changes to the QT drugs to avoid list https://crediblemeds.org/everyone/.
For Brugada syndrome: http://www.brugadadrugs.org/
It is very important that you tell anyone that prescribes you a new medicine that you have a heart condition, so that they can check it is safe for you to use!
If you buy over-the counter medications, make sure you tell the pharmacist as well.
Remember – if you have any doubts about what you are taking, seek medical advice!
It is very important that you follow the advice of your cardiologist regarding exercise!
If you have been diagnosed with a cardiac condition and you have been told that you should not take part in sport anymore, it is very important that you follow your cardiologist’s advice. This is because some cardiac conditions can be made worse by exercise.
Watch CRY’s myheart cardiologist, Professor Michael Papadakis advise patients who have been told to limit exercise but who don’t want to.
Watch CRY myheart cardiologist talk about the level exercise becomes unhealthy.
However some people who are diagnosed with cardiac conditions may still able to exercise, but at a gentler level than before. This was what happened to Joseph.
Watch Paula and myheart member, Joseph Tanner, debate with CRY myheart cardiologist, Professor Michael Papadakis on exercising with an ICD.
If you are ill and you vomit or have diarrhoea, your body loses some of its essential potassium supply. If you have long QT syndrome or Brugada syndrome, having a low level of potassium can make your condition worse. Therefore if you have vomiting or diarrhoea for more than one day, you should add a rehydration sachet to some water and drink it. You can buy rehydration sachets such as ‘dioralyte’ at any chemist. If your vomiting and diarrhoea continue or if vomiting prevents you from keeping down your rehydration drink, you should go to hospital straight away to be assessed and potentially receive fluids through a drip. If you have long QT syndrome or Brugada syndrome, it is a good idea to have some sachets of a rehydration preparation at home just in case.
Information on insurance for a young person with a cardiac condition can be found here. Please note these are the views of the person featuring in the video and not CRY’s views.
We often get asked recommendations for travel insurance providers and we appreciate its not easy to get travel insurance when you have a pre-existing condition. We are aware of the following insurance companies that can offer medical cover for people with cardiac conditions. Whilst CRY does not recommend or endorse any of these companies, we understand that cover can be arranged on an individual basis.
Company | Contact details |
Able 2 Travel | Web: able2travel.com Tel: 01892 839 501 |
Allclear | Web: allcleartravel.co.uk Tel: 0800 848 8608 |
Aviva | 0345 030 8715 |
Boots | 0345 1 253 880 |
Brunsdon LLP | Web: brunsdon.co.uk Tel: 01452 623 623 |
BUPA | Web: travel.bupa.co.uk Tel: 0800 001 022 |
Chris Knott Insurance | 0800 917 2274 |
Columbus Direct | 0800 0680 060 |
Direct Travel Insurance | 0330 880 3600 |
En Route Insurance | 0800 783 7245 |
Fish Insurance | 0333 331 3770 |
Flexi | Web: flexicover.co.uk Tel: 0800 093 9495 |
Free Spirit | Web: free-spirit.com Tel: 02392 419 070 |
Freedom Insurance | Web: freedominsure.co.uk Tel: 01223 446914 |
G. J. Sladdin | Web: sladdininsurance.co.uk Tel: 0800 731 3989 |
Global Travel Insurance | Web: globaltravelinsurance.co.uk Tel: 01903 235042 |
Good to go | Web: goodtogoinsurance.com Tel: 0330 024 9949 |
Higos Insurance Services | Web: higos.co.uk Tel: 01749 834 500 |
Holiday Travel & Medical Insurance | Web: askaboutinsurance.info Email: hmiinsurance@yahoo.co.uk |
Insurance Choice | 01926 680 518, Web: insurancechoice.co.uk Tel: 01926 683 094 |
Insure and Go | 0330 400 1383 |
It’s so easy travel insurance | Web: itssoeasytravelinsurance.com Tel: 0330 606 1434 |
Just travel | Web: justtravelcover.com Tel: 0800 294 2969 |
J D Insurance | 0344 247 4749 |
Lloyd’s bank | 0800 731 4044 |
Makesure | Web: makesureinsurance.co.uk Tel: 0845 309 4439 |
M and S | 0800 997 996 |
Orbis travel/Plus | 01274 518 393 |
Spectrum travel insurance | Â 0800 840 7227 |
StaySure | Web: staysure.co.uk Tel: 0808 168 8376 |
Talk to Tim | 0800 054 2252 |
Top Dog | 0800 093 6686 |
Travel Insured | Web: travelinsured.co.uk Tel: 0800 092 4383 |
Virgin Money Travel Insurance | 0330 400 1250 |
World First | 0345 90 80 161 |
 Medical Travel Compared and policyclever.com are travel insurance comparison sites that cater specifically for people with pre-existing medical conditions. www.preexistingconditions.co.uk provides independently written articles and information on sourcing Life Insurance, Travel Insurance and other financial products for people living with pre-existing medical conditions.